Administrative Adjudication Hearings
Increase efficiency, accuracy and comprehensiveness with the Dacra Court Management Software
The Dacra court management software streamlines and completely organizes the adjudication hearing into three simple phases:
Pre-Hearing, Hearing, and Post-Hearing.



Streamline your Administrative Adjudication Hearings with the Dacra court management software. Easy access to citations, evidence, and notices.
Hearing officers can easily retrieve all information associated with a ticket, add evidence, and organize incident data in a unified record.
Implementing DACRA Tech’s municipal court software, municipalities and counties can expedite the entire adjudication process from issuance to collections. A fair, timely, and accurate administrative adjudication system positively reflects the community’s law enforcement presence and eliminates administrative redundancy.
Dacra’s Intuitive court management software generates customizable notices.
Create notices that comply with your state’s statutes and your process. From pre-hearing to post-hearing notices, Dacra Tech’s flexibility modernizes and simplifies your workflows.
Easily convert to a paperless process.
Switching from paper to digital, Dacra Tech’s Platform reduces time and paper waste and eliminates the human errors that typically occur in manual processes.
Technology has significantly reduced the time and resources required to maintain paper records and transactions. With Dacra’s easy-to-use municipal court software capabilities, municipal enforcement and administrative departments enjoy significant accuracy improvements.
Also, tedious manual record-keeping and extensive, time-consuming labor will disappear.
Even while in the field, enforcement officers can use mobile devices connected to portable printers to issue citations on the spot, record information and evidence, and auto-populate data to the central location at once.

With Dacra Tech’s court management system database, the administrative hearing information is synched and displayed in one unified electronic dashboard, ready to enable an efficient and well-executed administrative hearing event.

Customizable Workflows, Offenses, and Preferences
Dacra Tech’s court management software will adapt to your current process and local ordinance requirements.
Create your preferences – summons, hearing notices, or 2nd notice of violation. Dacra is adaptable to your needs!
Pre-Hearing Check-In Sheet
Simultaneously save time and erase the confusion surrounding manual Court attendance check-ins.
Electronic check-in instantly identifies those present and the “no-shows” while populating the day’s Docket before the Hearings begin.
Before their assigned Hearing session, individuals will check in with the Hearing Clerk. The electronic Docket (eDocket) cab be sorted by order of arrival, by issuing officer groupings, or alphabetically.
Dacra’s Pre-Hearing Check-In eliminates the manual headcount of “shows” and “no-shows” by managing check-ins electronically. The electronic Check-In Sheet can be printed for the Clerk and Hearing Officer to aid in managing the Hearing.
The convenient Electronic Check-In Sheet can also serve as a barometer that will indicate the complexity and potential length of the Hearing.
The Clerk may use the Check-In Sheet to resolve a ticket before the Hearing, improving efficiency, revenue recovery, and compliance.
Facilitate Online Appeals
Dacra’s municipal court software eliminates the cumbersome Appeal process.
By accommodating online appeals for selected offenses, hearing dockets can be streamlined and cases resolved quickly.

eCitation Issuance
Streamline the citation process by issuing and printing citations in seconds, auto-oppilating hearing dates and creating customized respondent instructions on tickets.
Issue and Print a Citation in Seconds and Generate a Unified e-Citation Record
Dacra features a built-in interface to instantly auto-populate vehicle & owner information. An officer can quickly issue the ticket via squad car laptop or mobile devices and attach photos to each ticket.
Auto-Population of Hearing Date
Dacra’s e-Citation platform automatically assigns a Hearing Date and Location and will advise the respondent accordingly.
Customizable Respondent Instructions on Tickets and Documents
Dacra’s e-Citation provides customizable instructions for each citation plus Hearing and Fine Instructions to ensure the respondent understands all subsequent requirements.
Docket – Electronic or Paper
The Docket within the Dacra platform organizes the hearing process, activities, decisions, letters
and outcomes in an intuitive electronic package (the eDocket). This process encompasses all the details associated with each ticket, while the eDocket serves as a data repository and historical record of the Hearing.
The Hearing Officer can view the eDocket before, during, and after the hearing to filter ‘Contest by Mail Tickets’ and prepare the eDocket for the Hearing. Hearing sessions can easily be handled remotely when necessary.
Printing the eDocket in advance provides additional convenience for the Hearing Clerk or Officer.
The eDocket is a tool that helps the Hearing Officer and Clerk manage the meeting more efficiently. After the hearing, the Dacra platform generates a dynamic historical record that remains accessible for updating while post-hearing events unfold.
A Hearing eDocket is viewable at any future date.

The DACRA court management software completely organizes the Hearing and enables the Hearing Clerk and Hearing Officer to manage the event easily and confidently.

Instant Hearing Room Data and Analytics
With only a keystroke, hearing officers can access all data about the case.
Once a case reaches a hearing, pertinent data and evidence are readily available to the Hearing Officer to facilitate an informed decision. The Officer can access any information related to the incident and a complete record of prior violations, warnings, and other interactions within the municipality. The Hearing Officer can perform look-ups and add comments and rulings relative to the case.
After adjudication, the DACRA platform distributes the decision and initiates all necessary documents and mailings. These are configurable to fit the municipality’s protocols and format.
A Docket Report summarizes all hearing activities, identifies shows and no-shows, and itemizes case dispositions and balances due. A summary of fines, amounts paid, and remaining balances trigger the appropriate post-hearing activity.
Consistent, fair treatment of violators enhances the image of the community. DACRA TECH’s municipal enforcement platform eliminates errors and inconsistencies and prevents ill feelings caused by errors, misinformation, and confusion in the public view of law enforcement.
In some instances, the municipality may grant a continuance. Any request for continuance is noted in the eDocket so that the Hearing Officer can quickly identify them.
Continuance notices are automatically generated and printed, then sent to the respondent.

Court Management Software: Accessible, Instantly Available Documents, Photos, and Evidence
Where’s the evidence?” DACRA Tech’s Court Management Software makes all evidence, photographs, and other data instantly available to the Hearing Officer.
When a citation is issued, the enforcement officer records pertinent information, identification, evidence, bodycam footage, and photographs and forwards these electronically to the municipality’s database.
The hearing officer has all information available when the hearing begins, including each citation’s details, additional notices, prior hearings, payments and non-payments for earlier offenses, enforcement actions, and any unsuccessful collections efforts.
Real-time Decision Making
The eDocket and unified e-ticket provide the Hearing Officer with all data surrounding the incident and parties involved during the Hearing.
The readily available support material may include information regarding prior cases associated with the individual, digital evidence such as photos, videos, audio, and maps to expedite informed decisions and rapid disposition.
Finding, Decisions, and Orders (FDOs) Made Simple
The eDocket dashboard makes it simple for the Hearing Officer to pull up a specific ticket by name, ticket number, or other options.
The Officer reviews all relevant ticket information and pre-customized municipality ordinance parameters to make decisions, enters fine amounts, and records a disposition for each reviewed ticket. The FDO can then be printed and handed to the citizen at the hearing, eliminating postage costs.
All information is organized on the FDO – judgment totals, court costs, balances due, and Hearing Officer’s signature – allowing for a quick review of all information.
At the end of a hearing, the Officer can review the results and generate a report of any “No Shows.” The report identifies all respondents who will receive additional FDOs.
The Clerk can generate Final Determination Letters (or FDO) on the spot to support further efficiency.
The FDO makes it easy for the respondent to understand any decisions, rulings, fines, court costs, payment locations, and consequences of non-payment.
At this point, the Hearing Officer closes the Hearing eDocket. The eDocket then becomes the dynamic historical record of the hearing.

Final Determinations Generated with Few Clicks
Some municipalities require Final Determination Letters, as opposed to, or in addition to, the FDO.
The Final Determination Letters are customizable at any time during implementation.
Following the hearing, DACRA will manage any complex and unique fines, fees, and escalations. The software records final determinations based on customized fines ranges and parameters. The records clerk can add notes and access any previous history.
The Final Determination Letters are printed and sent, and the ticket record and eDocket are updated accordingly. All notices can be created and printed in bulk, streamlining workflows.
Whether mailing initial notifications, advising of hearing times and locations or summarizing fines owed or paid, the Dacra Tech Platform automatically initiates mailings to each appropriate individual.
DACRA court management software makes it simple for the records clerk and respondent to complete follow-up actions from the Hearing.

Track and Trigger Non-sufficient Funds (NSFs) Letter
If a respondent’s payment check returns due to insufficient funds (NSF), the Clerk can update the event in the DACRA system. This action will automatically trigger an NSF letter to the respondent, track the progress, and add a predetermined fee.
Immediate Scofflaw Identification and Immobilization and Management
Recognize and immobilize habitual offenders to minimize the occurrence of future infractions.
Officers can identify Scofflaw or habitual offenders having multiple outstanding violations or unpaid fines instantly by accessing the DACRA Tech enforcement platform while on the scene. Officers can identify repeat offenders in moments by employing a database of records, key identifiers, and filters.
When appropriate, the vehicle can be immobilized, preventing the owner from accessing or moving the vehicle.
The platform can also implement a heat map to identify ticketing and activity in specific areas.
Manage Juveniles and Expungements
Juvenile offenses can be expunged appropriately. With DACRA Tech Municipal Enforcement Platform can issue and track violations by juveniles, and the information may be used in subsequent hearings. The individual’s identity can be redacted, although a history of the event may be retained.
Processing FDOs and Final Determination Letters (FDLs)
After the hearing, the Clerk uses the eDocket Report to identify any FDOs still to be printed and mailed. The “No Shows” also default to the liable roster.
The Clerk can trigger, print, and mail the FDO and FDLs to the persons involved with only a few clicks. The DACRA platform will then update the electronic record, including the ticket, FDO, the Hearing eDocket, and the date of notification mailing.
The history of the offense displays:
• Hearing date
• Hearing disposition
• Date the FDO was printed and sent
• Hearing Officer’s signature
• Hearing Clerk’s signature
Court Management Software: Collections File Creation
Create, export, and import a debt collection file in seconds. DACRA Tech court management software assists with tracking all citations eligible for collections through innovative reporting that can identify citations currently in the Collections process and integrates these into your financial system.
Files can also be exported to your Collection Agency. All reports and records within DACRA can be exported in .cvs or .xls formats directly to the debt collection agency.
Comprehensive Post-Hearing Reports
Our DACRA platform provides a detailed Docket Report and a summary Hearing Report that is accessible at any time.
The Docket report includes the date, time, list of respondents, disposition, statuses, and balance due. The report tracks the progression of Post-Hearing activities for any individual case.
The Hearing Report summarizes the hearing results, providing disposition information, ticket balances, and any data related to that hearing. This report is dynamic, and counts are updated instantly as each offense progresses.
All reports are forwarded to Finance and other Departments as designated.
DACRA’s Report Management supports a consistent and standardized approach designed to uphold complete confidence that all Citizens’ rights are respected, due process provided, and any issues related to revenue recovery are appropriately addressed.
We pride ourselves on the strong relationships we build with our clients. This allows us to delve deeply into workflows so that we can create perfect training programs and achieve rapid onboarding. Implementation can often be accomplished in a matter of a few weeks.